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Corporate Finance 10th Edition Pdf

To begin the risk management discourse, this chapter outlines more conventional approaches to risk management. The starting point is common financial and market-related risks reflected in currency and interest rate exposures. The chapter provides an outline of common analytical approaches to monitor excess exposures. General measures of price sensitivities are presented and extended to assess the sensitivity of corporate equity positions to changing business conditions. The treatment of more complex market-related exposures in value-at-risk calculations is outlined and illustrated in multiple examples. The consequences of fat-tailed distributions that reflect a potential for rare but extreme events are discussed, as is the need for stress testing in corporate risk assessments.

corporate finance 10th edition pdf

John van Rossen, EY EMEIA Private Equity Leader, refers to an example from an EY project in which a proactive origination strategy enabled a private equity firm to beat a corporate bidder at auction. That corporate rival immediately became a leading potential buyer of the asset upon exit.


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