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Time to Get Busy!


Only 30 minutes after posting my first product on my ETSY page, I sold two baby blankets! I never thought I would sell them this fast but I am definitely not mad about it. At first, It was intimidating. I was now selling my projects, so naturally they have to be PERFECT now. I took my time and really made sure I did each and every stitch correct! I am learning new techniques to help speed up my tasks as well, all while ensuring my products are flawless! This blanket only took me around 8 hours instead of the 10/12 hours I spent on my first project!

I cannot tell you how excited I have been on already selling two of these baby blankets that I am already thinking about my next product to add to my ETSY store! Therefore, I picked up my phone and picked up some fun colored yarn and played around with ideas. I finally settled on having one easier craft on my site to be able to sell and ship quickly since the baby blanket takes me so long to complete. I ended up making dishcloths and are absolutely in love with the way my first attempt turned out that I plan to make a bunch of bundles of these to sell.

I am still in the research phase of this project. I have to research how much material it takes, how much time does it take to complete, and how much these items typically go for on other site. Now, with any handmade item, the prices vary greatly. I found some for $5 each dishcloth and some $15 for each dishcloth. I am still undecided what I should charge, because I try to keep in mind what the consumer would actually pay for this product.

I won't get the chance to post the dishcloths on my site until I finished my second baby blanket order, because I do not want to take time away from finishing and shipping out an order already placed! But keep an eye out on my site! Also, I created a Facebook page for my business, so hopefully that will help update people on what is available and what is in the works for my shop! I will say, I am not that good at marketing yet but one thing at a time, right?

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